What is Neck Pain & which treatment is Needed?

Neck pain is a condition when there is discomfort in or around your neck and it may go down one or both of the arms. Due to the incorrect posture and strain on the neck, anyone can have this pain. Looking at laptops or computers during work or holding a mobile phone while laying down on the bed can be other reasons for this.

This blog will make you acquainted with the definition of Neck pain and the treatment for this.

As discussed earlier, neck pain may be defined as the pain in the neck or shoulder that varies in intensity and may feel achy or like an electric shock from the neck to the arm. It may have many causes that are not due to any ongoing disease. It may be happened because of incorrect posture during sleep or prolonged strain on the neck or even wearing heavy necklaces.

The treatment for neck pains is dependent on the intensity of the pain. It might be a possibility that you need to see a doctor but otherwise, it can be cured at home.

The home remedies are given below:

Do gentle exercise

Whenever you feel pain in the neck try to do some gentle exercises and do not give a shock or shake vigorously. Shaking may harm your nerves and there are chances that you may need to see a doctor. Give 30 minutes of gentle stretching several times a day and apply ice packs or heat pads alternatively.

Try to sit or sleep in a good posture

Incorrect posture during sleep is one reason for neck pain. If you are suffering from neck pain then try to avoid pillows and sleep in the correct posture. Sleeping sideways is not good when you are having neck pain. Do not bend while sitting on a chair. You need to keep a pillow to give support to your neck or you can wear a cervical collar or have a cervical pillow which is easily available in the market and is not very costly.

Pain Relief medications

 Taking pain relief medicine is also a good option. Paracetamol and ibuprofen might be good options (Please consult your doctor before taking any medicine). You can have pain sprays or ointments which are easily available in any medical shop and have no side effects.

If the pain still irritates you then it is time to see a doctor. In some cases like if you are having pain with nausea or headaches then go to see a doctor immediately as it may be a pain in the cervical area.