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Hp Orthocare Hospital

Orthopedic Hospital in Hoshiarpur

Home > Orthopedic in Hoshiarpur

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Are you In Search of a Good and Quality Orthopedic Hospital?


HP Orthocare is an Advanced Orthopaedic Hospital in Hoshiarpur. Dr. Soneet Aggarwal runs the Hospital. We are committed to excellence in every field of Orthopaedic work. It caters to patients from all over Hoshiarpur and nearby districts. The infrastructure has been designed keeping in mind the nature of problems faced by orthopedic patients, so we created a very smooth ramp to enter. In addition, we have a Stretcher Lift, the Availability of several Wheelchairs and Stretchers, Personnel for Easy Transport of Patients, and a spacious waiting room to accommodate patients, Orthopedic Hospital in Hoshiarpur.


We also have a Digital X-Ray Machine and Emergency Services, Highly Equipped Operation Theatre with all the Latest Equipment. Visit HP Orthocare for any of your concerned problems.

Get the best in orthopedic care at HP Orthocare Hospital. Our team of specialists is here to help you get back to living your life to the fullest.

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